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Marketing Tools - Sending an SMS campaign
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Marketing Tools
How to drive ticket sales
When planning your event, it's important to understand your intended attendees, how many you're looking to attract and how to attract your audience to buy tickets to your event. It's always beneficia…

Ticket Bundles and Specials
Thinking of running a special? Great! Set up your ticket specials as new ticket types. It's easy. Scroll down to view examples of different ticket specials, and how to set them up. Here's how:. Login…

Issue Complimentary Tickets
Issuing complimentary tickets can be a great way to attract ticket reps, influencers, media, ticket winners and other important stakeholders. Complimentary tickets are invoiced to you at a standard r…

Custom Ticket Type Links
Create unique URL links for specific ticket types that you can send directly to your customers. Only the selected ticket types will then be displayed to the customer. This is especially useful when y…

Marketing Tools - Sending an email campaign
How to send an email campaign. Get started with the Marketing tool feature of the Organiser Portal with this guide. You will need to have an active event selling tickets to create a campaign. Watch t…

Marketing Tools - Sending an SMS campaign
How to send an SMS campaign. Get started with the Marketing tools feature of the Orgaiser Portail by sending an SMS to your database. You will need to have an active event selling tickets to create a…

Setting Up Google Analytics Tracking
Setting Up Tracking. If you'd like to use Google Analytics to track traffic on your ticketing page, you'll need to setup a Google Tag on Google Tag Manager that can be added to the event page to star…

Integrating the Facebook Pixel
Setup Facebook Pixel Tracking. In order to track a Howler event page using a Facebook Pixel, this pixel will need to be added as a tag to a GTM which can then be added to the event page to start trac…

Howler Brand/CI/Style Guide
Howler Brand Guide. Looking for Howler's logos, fonts, colours etc? Find our style guide here.. Not working? Copy and paste this link into your browser: https://company-81248.frontify.com/d/mkJ12zSrL…

Embedded links
In many cases, you may want to promote an embedded link with a promo code, specific ticket type, reps or the cart pre-filled to make the user journey a bit shorter and promote easier conversions. Thi…

Create a QR code linking to your ticketing page
In many cases, you may want to promote your event using a QR code rather than a link. This can be helpful for physical branding to drive ticket sales as well as signage at the entrance to your event…