Upgraded Refund Terms

Chloe Wrathmall Updated by Chloe Wrathmall

When you purchase tickets for an event through Howler, you may have the option to upgrade your refund terms to receive a 100% refund if you cannot attend the event for one of the various reasons in the terms and conditions - even if the event's refund policy states "no refunds."

While Howler offers this service on our platform, it is a service that is owned and managed by Protect Group.

Request a refund on upgraded tickets:

  1. Login to howler.co.za using your Howler account email address and click on the tickets tab at the top of the page.
  2. Click the 3 dots on the right hand side of your ticket and select the request refund option.
    Heads up! Only the original purchaser is able to request a refund.
  3. Confirm which ticket/s you’re wanting to refund and click the request from Refund Protect button. 
  4. You will be redirected to the refund application form page where you will be required to provide your booking confirmation reference note that all refunds processed by Refund Protect are subject to the company's Terms and Conditions.
Your refund request will be processed within 3-5 days. Upon approval, your funds will be paid back into the account of the original purchaser within a further 3-5 days.

Need help? Please contact support@howler.co.za and one of our support agents will assist you with your refund

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