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- Organising An Event
- Marketing Tools
- Marketing Tools - Sending an SMS campaign
Marketing Tools - Sending an SMS campaign
by Robyn Marais
How to send an SMS campaign
Get started with the Marketing tools feature of the Orgaiser Portail by sending an SMS to your database.
- Visit
- Search the organiser by selecting the drop down arrow next to the organiser name.
- Click on Marketing to open the Campaigns page as seen below.
- To create a new promotion click on the purple button "+ NEW CAMPAIGN"
- Choose and type an appropriate descriptive Campaign Name and click the "SAVE" button.
- The first container box is to configure the Audience. Here you can add the list of people to whom you want to send this campaign to.

- Click on the "+" button to add a new list
- Here you can either choose an existing list which has been made previously or you can create a new list. Let us go ahead and create a new list by clicking the "+ NEW LIST" button.
- Type a descriptive name for your list which clearly indicates which type of audience the list contains.

- The "Filter" fields are used to select certain users based on certain criteria to be added to a list. The current settings are to Filter and add all people who has "Attended Event" and in the "Values" dropdown list you can select the "Event". This will filter and add all who has attended the chosen event.

- You can then also continue to filter based on "Ticket Type" of the selected event.

- If you have filtered out the specific audience you want to add to your list you can click the "SAVE" button on the right hand corner to save the list.
- Here you can pick the list you want to use in this campaign as your audience. Choose the list you created or choose to send to all your customers by clicking the checkbox to the right hand side.

- At the bottom after you have selected your list it will show you the amount of people your campaign will reach and work out the cost of the campaign. Here you can see this campaign will be sent out to 1 person and the cost will be R0.60 per SMS.
- The next container is the SMS content. Here you can enter what you want your SMS to say.

- Once you are happy with the message content, hit "Save"

- The final step is the click the "Send Now" button in the purple Launch container when you have fully completed configuration and design to send out the campaign to your audience.