Embedded links

Robyn Marais Updated by Robyn Marais

In many cases, you may want to promote an embedded link with a promo code, specific ticket type, reps or the cart pre-filled to make the user journey a bit shorter and promote easier conversions.

Unhide hidden promo code tickets

  1. Copy and paste the following code into a text editor: EVENT_URL/tickets?promo_code=CODE
  2. Navigate to the event page and copy the URL link in your browser over the EVENT_URL part of the code.
  3. Copy the URL link in your browser and paste it over the EVENT_URL part of the code in your text editor.
    e.g. EVENT_URL?promo_code=CODE will change to https://www.howler.co.za/events/my-event-896c/tickets?promo_code=CODE
  4. Next, copy the promo code you applied to the hidden ticket type(s) into the CODE section of the URL.
    e.g. https://www.howler.co.za/events/my-event-896c/tickets?promo_code=howler123
  5. Test the link by opening it your browser and making sure the promo tickets are revealed.

Add rep tracking to an event

  1. This is automatically generated for the rep on their rep dashboard, but below is the manual way of creating the embedded link.
  2. Copy and paste the following code into a text editos: EVENT_URL?rep=CODE
  3. Navigate to the event page and copy the URL link in your browser over the EVENT_URL part of the URL.
  4. Next, copy the rep code that was defined by the rep in the initial setup into the CODE section of the URL.
    e.g. https://www.howler.co.za/events/my-event?rep=honeybadger
  5. Test the link by opening it your browser and making sure the rep name is displayed in a banner at the top of the page.

Select and add ticket type to cart

  1. Copy and paste the following code into a text editos: EVENT_URL/tickets?select_ticket=TICKET_ID&quantity=NUMBER_TICKETS
  2. Navigate to the event page and copy the URL link in your browser over the EVENT_URL part of the code.
  3. Navigate to the ticket type on active admin and copy the ticket ID over the TICKET_ID part of the code.
  4. Enter the number of tickets you want in the cart over the NUMBER_TICKETS part of the code.
    e.g. https://www.howler.co.za/events/my-event-896c/tickets?select_tickets=274645&quantity=3
  5. Test the link by selecting it and making sure the correct ticket type and amount of tickets are in the cart.

Create unique URL links for specific ticket types that you can send directly to your customers. Only the selected ticket types will then be displayed to the customer. This is especially useful when you are trying to promote or sell a specific ticket or category to your customers for ticket specials.

You'll see this option available within the Organiser Portal under the "Edit" tab on your event.

  1. Select the "Ticket type" drop down
  2. Select the ticket types you would like to include in the link
  3. Select "Copy"

Paste the link into a new tab to test the link.

Share this link wherever you are promoting that specific ticket type.

You can do a combination of these links or each individually.
ie, EVENT_URL/tickets?rep=CODE&select_ticket=TICKET_ID&quantity=NUMBER_TICKETS
Should take you to a ticket page, attributed to the rep with a specific ticket type already preselected in the cart.
For assistance, please contact clientsupport@howler.co.za

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