Howler Backend Active Admin - Manage Organiser Roles

Robyn Marais Updated by Robyn Marais

You will need to request access to manage organiser roles from the backend. Please contact your account manager or to request account assistant access.

If you'd like to give additional people access to your organiser profile and account, you can do this within Active Admin.

For an overview of Active Admin, please refer to this Help Doc.

  1. With Active Admin, you'll need to find your organiser profile.

You can do this by navigating through your event under the event details. Click on the hyperlink to your organiser profile.

Or you can find your profile by searching within the "organiser" tab at the top of Active Admin.

Search in the filters on the right and select the "view" button.

  1. At the top of your organiser profile, select the button that says "manage organiser roles".
  1. Here you will be able to enter an email address and assign a role to someone. You can also delete users.
  1. The recipients will recieve an invitation to their email address where they can login and authenticate the user.

If you've given someone access to your organiser profile but do not want them to have access to your settlement reports, you can select the "disallow to receive settlement report" hyperlink next to their name.

For any assistance with managing organiser roles, please contact

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