Event Page Customisation within the organiser portal

Robyn Marais Updated by Robyn Marais

Event Appearance

Howler allows you to make your event look and feel like your event. You can customise the colours of your event to suit your CI. This doc will outline all areas of your event page that can be customised within the organiser portal.

Where to find the settings:
  1. Log in to organisers.howler.co.za
  2. The 'Event Appearance' settings can be found during the setup process for a new event or by editing an existing event.
  3. Upload your event header image - This should include your event name, headlining artists, venue, date and time and any additional event details that will entice customer interest.
Button settings

You can customise the button colour and text to suit your event CI and call to action.

  1. Button text: Change the text on your button. This can be buy tickets, sign up, register etc.
  2. Button style: Selecting 'one colour' will create a solid button colour throughout the ticket purchase flow. Selecting 'gradient' will create a left and right gradient button throughout the purchase process flow.
  3. Colour(s): The space to the right of the colour block(s) can be used to enter a hex value which relates to a colour. Alternately, selecting the colour block will open a colour picker as shown below.
    Changing the Button colour will affect the colour of the following page features;
    1. Call to action button
    2. Map
    3. Purchase process position
    4. Ticket selection
    5. Header cancel button
    6. Cart checkout
    7. Ticket assignment page
    8. Purchase method logo - Credit Card, Instant EFT & In Store
    9. Post purchase information
    10. Post purchase options
    11. All the buttons which are contained in the emails, namely; purchaser, friend, complimentary, registration success & user confirmation emails.
  4. Button text colour: This changes the colour of the text within the button. Ensure that the text is legible ontop of the button colour.
  5. Select 'publish'. Remember to always view the event page and purchase process flow to ensure that all text is readable and the colour scheme looks great.
Extra Settings:

  1. Link colours: This changes the colours of the date and venue icons.
  2. Select 'publish'. Remember to always view the event page and purchase process flow to ensure that all text is readable and the colour scheme looks great.
Remember to always view the event page and purchase process flow to ensure that all text is readable and the colour scheme looks great.
For assistance, please contact clientsupport@howler.co.za

How Did We Do?

Premium Event Customisation
