Issue Complimentary Tickets

Robyn Marais Updated by Robyn Marais

Issuing complimentary tickets can be a great way to attract ticket reps, influencers, media, ticket winners and other important stakeholders.

Complimentary tickets are invoiced to you at a standard rate of R5 per ticket.

Once your event is live, you'll be able to issue Complimentary Tickets of ticket types that have already been created.

If you'd like to keep the reporting on this seperate, we recommend creating a specific hidden ticket type for this.
  1. Within the organiser portal, select the event and make sure you're within the "Overview tab"
  2. Select "Issue Complimentary Ticket"
  1. Enter the email address(es) of the people who should receive complimentary tickets.
You can type multiple email addresses or paste from a tool like Microsoft Excel.
  1. Select the ticket type that you'd like to send to the recipients.
You can only select 1 ticket type at a time. Send each ticket type in batches.
  1. Select the number of tickets each recipient should receive. This will apply to all recipients.
  2. Select "Issue tickets"

Recipients will receive an email with access to their tickets.

Recipients will need to sign up to Howler to complete ticket registration if required to download their tickets.
For assistance, please contact

How Did We Do?

Ticket Bundles and Specials

Custom Ticket Type Links
